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1.我知我的喜乐,纵情跋涉。[比心]I know my joy, and trudge

2.出个远门吧,去看看收藏了这么多年的远方。[比心]Go out and see the faraways that have been collected for so many years.

3.没有人的照片是风景,有人的照片是满满的回忆。[比心]No one's picture is a landscape, someone's picture is full of memories

4.有趣的人生,一半是家长里短柴米油盐,一半是山川湖海。[比心]An interesting life is half of the parents, half of the mountains and lakes.

5.远赴人间惊鸿宴,一睹人间盛世颜!老君山顶吃泡面。[比心]Go to the world to surprise the feast, see the world prosperous Yan! Lao Jun, eat instant noodles at the top of the mountain.

6.把你心中所向往的地方,都变成走过的路。[比心]Turn the place you long for in your heart, into the road you have gone.

7.换个地方看日落,去哪儿都不重要,重要的是去。[比心]Watch the sunset from another place, it doesn't matter where you go, it matters to go

8.给老年回忆人生多攒点素材。[比心]Save more material for the elderly to remember life.

9.山高路远,去见世界也去寻找自己。[比心]It's a long way to see the world and to find yourself.

10.这一路上都是风景,我就不为你去翻山越岭了。[比心]All the way here is scenery, I won't go over the mountains for you.

11.别再说我一无所有了,此刻山是我的、树是我的、路是我的。[比心]Don't say I have nothing, now the mountain is mine, the tree is mine, the road is mine.

12.眼前的风景和脚下的路,我称之为旅行的意义。[比心]The landscape and the road underfoot, I call it the meaning of travel.

13.身体可以抵达的地方,就不要让眼睛留下遗憾。[比心]Where the body can reach, don't let the eyes regret

14.人生最好的旅行是在陌生的地方发现能让你久违心的感受。[比心]The best travel in life is to discover feelings in a strange place that will make you feel so long gone

15.当然要多出去走一走啊,我又不是一直都二十多岁。[比心]Of course I need to get out more. I'm not always in my twenties.

16.在大量的人群中发现少量的景色。[比心]Spotting a small amount of views in a large crowd

17.听闻不如去经历,向往不如去出发,最美的风景都在路上。[比心]It's better to hear than to experience, it's better to yearn than to go, the most beautiful scenery is on the road.

18.旅程落幕,心中风景却长存。每一帧回忆都是时光的馈赠。[比心]The journey ends, but the scenery lives on. Every frame of memory is a gift of time
